English Pokemon Card Buyers
Sell Us Old Pokemon
When it comes to us buying English Pokemon Cards, we’re recognized as the strongest buyers of these old pieces of cardboard. What keeps us so competitive is our low overhead costs, we don’t have hundreds of employees or even a brick-and-mortar shop, we’re strictly online. There are exceptions where we’ll meet in person to purchase Pokemon. For extremely valuable collections, we’ve even flown around the country to ensure our customer feels safe about the transaction.
We buy everything, including the following Pokemon sets:
- Base Set
- Jungle
- Fossil
- Base Set 2
- Team Rocket
- Gym Heroes
- Gym Challenge
- Neo Genesis
- Neo Discovery
- Neo Revelation
- Neo Destiny
- Legendary Collection
- Expedition Base Set
- Aquapolis
- Skyridge
- EX Ruby & Sapphire
- EX Sandstorm
- EX Dragon
- EX Emerald
- EX Unseen Forces
and more!
If you’re not sure what you have, and you couldn’t find your bill listed below, you’re more than welcome to reach out and contact us today. We typically respond immediately, but you can expect a response with our best offer within 24 hours of your message.
Pokemon Base Set was the first set released in North America on January 9th, 1999. This set is considered the holy grail of sets, as it is the first one ever produced. A lot of Pokemon cards we’re very familiar with are from this set. Every Pokemon card from Base Set will either be 1st edition, shadowless, or unlimited. If you want to learn more about which edition your Pokemon card is, see this in-depth guide we wrote about Pokemon editions.
Pokemon Jungle was one of the first sets I really got into as a child. This is an extremely nostalgic Pokemon set for me personally and can be very popular among collectors. Jungles’ release for North America was on June 16th, 1999. We are buyers of both individual cards, Pokemon packs, and Pokemon booster boxes from Jungle and all other sets. If you have something you’re interested in selling, contact us today.
Pokemon Fossil set was released in North America on October 10th, 1999. Again, this is a set that is near to my heart as I remember opening many packs as a child! Unopened packs, or booster boxes, of Pokemon Fossil, can be worth a lot of money. Even mint condition single cards can bring a premium in the market, especially first edition.
Pokemon Base Set 2 cards all have a number “2” with a Poke-ball inside the number. This Pokemon set was released on February 24th, 2000. Each pack will feature either Raichu, Gyarados, Mewtwo, or Pidgeotto on the front as seen below. Even though this isn’t the original base set, these cards can bring plenty value in the market.
Pokemon Team Rocket, like most sets, comes in both 1st edition and unlimited. First edition Pokemon cards are limited to a specific print run, while unlimited has an, well, unlimited print run. Team Rocket was released to America on April 24th, 2000. We are very strong buyers of any sealed product or opened packs of Team Rocket.
A Pokemon set that featured Pokemon gym leaders was something unheard of until this set released. Gym Heroes was released on August 14th, 2000 , and was a big deal at the time. It’s important to remember the later the set was released, the less chance it has of being rare. Later sets typically were printed by the hundreds of millions. Regardless of print run sizes, almost all mint condition cards will fetch a premium.
Pokemon Gym Challenge is another set that has a few very important and valuable cards to the set. Every card will come with a picture of the Gym leader at the bottom right corner of the card. Blaine’s Charizard is definitely one of the more sought after cards, and in perfect condition can be worth a bit of money! Remember, first edition cards will always be worth a bit more.
The card pictured below is the most valuable card from the Pokemon set Neo Genesis. This card is a 1st Edition Lugia in mint condition. Neo Genesis released to America on December 16th, 2000 , and was very popular among Pokemon lovers. This is arguably one of my personal favorite sets and always buy cards from it when I have the chance! Contact us today if you have any cards from Neo Genesis available for sale.
Neo Discovery
The Pokemon set Neo Discovery was released to America on June 1st, 2001. Tyranitar, the Pokemon shown below, is arguably one of the most popular and sought-after cards in the set. This card will be relatively valuable regardless of the condition. But as always, the better the condition the more money it will be worth.

Neo Revelation
Pokemon set Neo Revelation launched in America on September 21, 2001. This was the first era of what they call “Shining” Pokemon which were highly sought after. The picture below is a 1st edition Shining Magikarp and in pristine condition can be worth a lot of money. If you have any Pokemon from Neo Revelation, contact us today!

Neo Destiny
Shining Charizard is one of my favorite Pokemon cards from Neo Destiny. This Pokemon sent was released to the states on February 28th, 2002. As with most sets, the first edition cards will always bring a premium over unlimited print run cards. If you have something similar to the card pictured below, you may have something pretty valuable!

Legendary Collection
Pokemon cards from Legendary Collection are some of my favorite because of the way their reverse holofoil appears. From the picture below, you can see these cards can look pretty unique. Unfortunately, most of the time these cards come with many scratches and damage due to how easy they are to damage. This set was released on May 24th, 2002 to America.

Expedition Base Set
Expedition Base Set was a very popular set when I was growing up. The image below is one of the rarer and desirable Pokemon cards from the set, which was released on September 15th, 2002. If you have any cards from the Expedition, we are interested buyers.

When I first started collecting, this series would always confuse me when it came to distinguishing their date. These bills say both 1914 and 1918 on them depending on where you look. The note pictured below is a $2 1918 Battleship, hence the Battleship pictured on the back of each bill. These 1918 bills can be extremely valuable in high grade and depending on the signature combination can be worth even more.

Skyridge is one of those Pokemon sets that never gets old for me. There is a lot of nostalgia for myself and this Pokemon set growing up. Skyridge was released on May 12th, 2003 and I heavily collected this set at the time. If you have Pokemon cards that look similar to the one pictured below, contact us today.

EX Ruby & Sapphire
Typically the more unique a Pokemon set is, the more I enjoy collecting it. EX Ruby & Sapphire is a great example of a set that changed a lot for the Pokemon TCG world. This set was released on June 18th, 2003, and was a big part of my childhood. If you have any Pokemon that look like the Scyther Pokemon card shown below, you may have something worth money!

EX Sandstorm
Ex Sandstorm was printed and released on September 18th, 2003. This set looks very similar to the previous set but was entirely different when it came to its product release. The better the condition your Pokemon card is, the more money it’s going to be worth.

Don’t see your Pokemon card here?
That’s OK! Contact us today with pictures of your Pokemon cards and we’ll be able to help you assess their value at absolutely no charge. And we’ll give you our best offer if you decide you’re interested in selling, no obligations!
Not sure what you have?
We buy Rare Pokemon Trading Cards from around the Country. Sell your old Pokemon Card Collection today!
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