Value of Series 2 Topps Pokemon Cards
we’ve paid as low as
25 cents
most are worth
$1 – $5
we’ve paid as much as
Old Topps Series 2 Pokemon cards can be worth anywhere between 25 cents to $1,000 depending on its condition, current market demand, and which set it came from. As shown in our guide, some Topps cards can be worth a lot more.
People often approach us with Topps Pokemon collections thinking they have something incredibly rare and valuable when oftentimes this isn’t the case. In some instances, your card can be worth a lot more if its a rare card like Pikachu or Charizard. But it also has to be in great condition.
One of the most valuable Topps Pokemon cards we’ve ever purchased was a Charizard in Gem Mint condition, meaning a perfect card with no scratches or wear.
We’ve been collecting Pokemon trading cards now for over 20 years and consider ourselves to be the strongest Topps Pokemon card buyers across the entire United States.
Series 2 Pokemon Card Values
While we consider ourselves to be particularly specialized in Charizard collections, we take pride in having cast our net wide enough to have a strong understanding of market values for all types of collectible Pokemon cards.
Whether your Topps collection is common and only worth $20 or its a rare collection worth thousands, we’re here to help teach you what it’s actually worth.
Please do not be offended if the collection you’ve had in your possession since a child is not worth as much as you anticipated. Our goal is to help you get the most money for your collection, whether that means selling directly to us or dealing with an auction company.
With all this being said, you may still be unsure of how to get started. We know from a fresh perspective these concepts and “Pokemon lingo” can be a little intimidating at first, and that’s why we’ve created this guide.
Disclaimer: Do not fall victim to selling your valuable collection to a local pawn or card shop that may rob you of what your Pokemon cards are really worth. Contact a Pokemon expert before selling any cards you own.
Find your Topps Pokemon Card
Topps Series 2
Pokemon | Text on Card |
![]() | This fire Pokémon's hooves are ten times harder than diamonds, and it can trample anything in seconds. In "The Flame Pokémon-athon," Ash is entered into a highly competitive Pokémon race riding the Laramie family's faithful fiery Ponyta. The race is fast and furious as Ash rides like the wind — until Team Rocket shows up and booby-traps the entire course! First appearance: Episode 33—"The Flame Pokémon-athon" |
![]() | Rapidash is the second and final evolutionary stage for Ponyta. This Pokémon will chase anything that moves fast in hopes of racing it. In "The Flame Pokémon-athon," Team Rocket tries everything to slow down Ash and his steed, Ponyta. When things begin to look dark for our hero, Ponyta evolves into the super-speedy Rapidash and Ash and his swift Pokémon go on to victory! First appearance: Episode 33—"The Flame Pokémon-athon" |
![]() | Incredibly slow and dopey, it takes close to five seconds for Slowpoke to feel pain when under attack. In "Island of the Giant Pokémon," Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Team Rocket's lost Pokémon wander around a deserted island for what seems like forever. When the Pokémon stop to rest and have a snack at a small deli counter in the middle of the island, the cook is none other than a lazy Slowpoke! First appearance: Episode 17—"Island of the Giant Pokémon" |
![]() | Slowbro is the second and final evolutionary stage for Slowpoke. The Shellder that is latched on to Slowpoke's tail is said to feed on Slowpoke's leftover scraps of food. In "Island of the Giant Pokémon," the band of lost Pokémon encounter a lonely Slowpoke sitting on top of a rock looking out over the ocean. After Pikachu asks it for help and directions, Slowpoke sticks its tail in the water evolves into Slowbro! First appearance: Episode 17—"Island of the Giant Pokémon" |
![]() | Magnemite uses anti-gravity to stay suspended and it usually appears without warning. In "Sparks Fly for Magnemite," Pikachu is diagnosed with a Pokémon cold by Nurse Joy, right before a blackout occurs. Ash and company go exploring through the darkness of the overloaded power plant, and a legion of Magnemite converge upon our heroes — especially the over-electrified Pikachu! First appearance: Episode 30—"Sparks Fly for Magnemite" |
![]() | This is the second and final evolutionary stage for Magnemite. Formed by several Magnemites linked together, they frequently appear when sunspots flare up. In "Sparks Fly for Magnemite," Pikachu's overly active electric cold attracts some new friends and even more enemies. When packs of Magnemite and Magneton flock to absorb Pikachu's excess voltage, they learn to regret it as Pikachu lets loose with a Thundershock sneeze! First appearance: Episode 30—"Sparks Fly for Magnemite" |
![]() | The sprig of green onion that Farfetch'd holds is its sword-like weapon of choice. In the misadventure, "So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd," a Pokémon thief named Keith uses his rare Farfetch'd to steal other trainer's Poké Balls. Officer Jenny asks Ash and company to help search for this nefarious criminal. Ash, Misty, Brock and the headache-plagued Psyduck foil Keith's plans and rescue all of the missing Poké Balls. Episode 49—"So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd" |
![]() | Doduo is a bird that makes up for its poor flying with its incredible speed. As it runs, it leaves behind giant footprints. In "Showdown at the Po-ké Corral," Ash returns to Pallet Town to train for the Pokémon League. Ash and his rival Gary go on a tour of Professor Oak's Pokémon research and communication center, and as they walk about, they meet Gary's captured Doduo. First appearance: Episode 69—"Showdown at the Po-ké Corral" |
![]() | The three-headed Dodrio is the second and final evolutionary stage for Doduo. Its three brains can execute complex plans. Often, two heads will be sleeping while one heads stays awake. In "The Flame Pokémon-athon," Ash and Ponyta race neck and neck with an evil Pokémon trainer named Dario and his incredibly swift Dodrio. Little does Ash know that Dario and Team Rocket have joined forces to make sure he doesn't finish the all! First appearance: Episode 33—"The Flame Pokémon-athon" |
![]() | The protruding horn on Seel's head is very hard. It is used for bashing through thick ice. In "The Water Flowers of Cerulean City," Ash, Brock and a reluctant Misty arrive at the wondrous Cerulean City. Ash challenges Lily, Violet and Daisy — the beautiful leaders of the Cerulean City Gym — to a Pokémon match, but they flatly refuse. When the Gym's mascot, Seel, gives Ash the Cascade Badge without a single battle, the fourth sister, Misty, steps forward to accept the challenge! First appearance: Episode 7—"The Water Flowers of Cerulean City" |
![]() | Dewgong is the final stage of evolution for Seel. It stores thermal energy in its body and can swim at a steady eight knots even in intense cold. In "The Misty Mermaid," Ash and friends return to the Cerulean City Gym to visit Misty's sisters. While visiting, Misty participates in a water ballet that gets ruined by Team Rocket. A Pokémon battle follows, and during the fight, Seel evolves into Dewgong to blast Team Rocket into defeat. First appearance: Episode 63—"The Misty Mermaid" |
![]() | Appearing in filthy areas, Grimer thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories. In "Pokémon Scent-Sation," our heroes arrive at the Celadon City Gym where wonderful perfumes are manufactured using Pokémon spores and nectars. The gym leader, Erica, tells a story of her childhood: a Gloom protected her from an attacking, foul-smelling Grimer which led her to be a Grass Pokémon Trainer. First appearance: Episode 26—"Pokémon Scent-Sation" |
![]() | The final stage of evolution for Grimer, Muk is thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge and it is so toxic even its footprints contain poison. While fighting off Magnemite, Magneton and a whole mess of Grimers in "Sparks Fly for Magnemite," Ash engages in a heart-stopping Pokémon battle with an enormous Muk. After Ash unclogs the stopped-up water pipes in the power plant, he catches Muk for his Pokémon collection! First appearance: Episode 30—"Sparks Fly for Magnemite" |
![]() | Shellder's hard shell repels any kind of attack, and Shellder is only vulnerable when its shell is open. In "The Evolution Solution," Professor Oak enlists the aid of fellow Poké-ologist, Professor Westwood (who programmed the Pokédex), to figure out the mystery of why, after a Shellder clamps onto a Slowpoke's tail, it becomes a Slowbro! Do you know why Shellder clamps onto Slowpoke's tail? First appearance: Episode 70—"The Evolution Solution" |
![]() | The second and final evolutionary stage for Shellder, Cloyster can launch its horns in quick volleys when attacked. In "The Bridge Bike Gang," while biking across a huge bridge to Sunny Town, our heroes are challenged to a Pokémon battle by a bike gang. Tyra, a tough-girl gang member, uses Cloyster against Misty's none-too-bright Psyduck. In frustration Misty ends up cheering for Cloyster to win! First appearance: Episode 36—"The Bridge Bike Gang" |
![]() | Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks its target and puts it to sleep without a struggle. In "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak," Brock and James of Team Rocket fall under the spell of the mysterious Maiden Rock and the beautiful maiden spirit that haunts it. Our heroes try to get rid of the pesky specter — only to find out that the maiden is a mischievous Gastly in disguise! First appearance: Episode 20—"The Ghost of Maiden's Peak" |
![]() | Haunter is the second evolutionary stage for Gastly. Because of its ability to slip through walls, it is rumored to be from another dimension. In "The Tower of Terror," Ash and Pikachu battle their way through the wacky shenanigans of three ghosts at the Lavender Town Tower, so Ash can acquire a ghost Pokémon in order to defeat Sabrina. When Ash realizes all Haunter wants is to have a little fun, they leave together as friends. First appearance: Episode 23—"The Tower of Terror" |
![]() | This is the third and final evolutionary stage for Gastly. Under the full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright. In "The Tower of Terror," Ash, Misty, Brock and Team Rocket are teased and taunted by three over-the-top ghost Pokémon. Gengar finds that Jesse and James are especially fun to play with — so it keeps them tied up in the playroom while Ash and Haunter say their good-byes. First appearance: Episode 23—"The Tower of Terror" |
![]() | As Onix grows, the stone portions of its snake body harden to become sooty black and diamond-like. In "Showdown in Pewter City," Ash finds himself face-to-face with his first Pokémon gym leader — Brock. Pikachu powers up and stands ready to do battle, but Brock lets loose the monstrous Onix who makes short work of it. After some intense and extremely weird training exercises, Pikachu battles again and topples the giant Onix. First appearance: Episode 5—"Showdown in Pewter City" |
![]() | Drowzee puts enemies to sleep, then eats their dreams. Occasionally, it does get sick from eating bad dreams. In "Hypno's Naptime," our heroes come to a town where all of the Pokémon are sick and tired, and many of the town's children are missing! A sleep-wave tracking device constructed by Officer Jenny leads the group to a fancy high-rise apartment, where they find the cause of these problems — a Drowzee and a Hypno. First appearance: Episode 27—"Hypno's Naptime" |
![]() | The second stage of evolution for Drowzee. When Hypno locks eyes with an enemy, it uses a mix of psychic moves and confusion attacks to overpower its prey. In "Hypno's Naptime," Ash and the gang discover a sleepless Pokémon club using a Hypno to help their club members fall asleep. Little did they know that Hypno's psychic powers were causing the town's children to run away and act like Pokémon! First appearance: Episode 27—"Hypno's Naptime" |
![]() | Krabby's pincers are powerful weapons, which also help it balance when walking sideways. In "Island of the Giant Pokémon," Ash and friends are washed ashore on a seemingly deserted island and realize that almost all of Ash's Pokémon are missing! One of Ash's remaining Pokémon is the loyal Krabby, captured earlier. Krabby is eventually transported to Dr. Oak's laboratory, because Pokémon trainers are only allowed to carry six Poké Balls at one time. First appearance: Episode 17—"Island of the Giant Pokémon" |
![]() | This is the second and final stage of evolution for Krabby. Its large pincer has 10,000 pounds worth of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it very hard to use. In "Princess Versus Princess," Misty is trying to win the grand prize in the Princess Day Pokémon Competition. To get to the finals, Misty must defeat a host of Pokémon trainers. One of them uses Kingler, but with Ash's borrowed Bulbasaur, Misty goes on to victory! First appearance: Episode 59—"Princess Versus Princess" |
![]() | Voltorb is usually found in power plants and is easily mistaken for a Poké Ball. In "The Ninja Poke-Showdown," Ash and friends are trapped within the maze-like hallways of the Fuchsia Gym. They get lost following a mischievous Venonat while trying to find the gym leader. When our heroes encounter a solitary Voltorb, before anybody can even breathe, Voltorb self-destructs, spewing noxious gas and confusing everybody! First appearance: Episode 32—"The Ninja Poke-Showdown" |
![]() | The second and final stage of evolution for Voltorb. Electrode stores energy under very high pressure and often explodes with little or no provocation. In "The Flame Pokémon-athon," Pikachu rides Squirtle in a race that includes an Onix, a Starmie and a volatile Electrode. When Electrode and its rider fall into a giant hole dug by the terrible Team Rocket, Electrode explodes, destroying everything around it — even the race track! First appearance: Episode 33—"The Flame Pokémon-athon" |
![]() | Exeggcute is often mistaken for a half-dozen eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms. In "The March of the Exeggutor Squad," our heroic trio find themselves at a dull carnival magic show featuring Melvin the Magician and his Exeggcute. When Melvin is fired, Ash, Brock and Misty all pitch in to create a Pokémon magic show with the help of Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander. First appearance: Episode 43—"The March of the Exeggutor Squad" |
![]() | The second and final evolutionary stage for Exeggcute. Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an Exeggcute. In "The March of the Exeggutor Squad," the magician collects a squad of Exeggutor to hypnotize the audience into liking his show in hopes of faking success. When Team Rocket show up to cause trouble, the Exeggutor goes on a wild stampede! First appearance: Episode 43—"The March of the Exeggutor Squad" |
![]() | Because it never removes its skull helmet, no one has ever seen this Pokémon's real face. In "The School of Hard Knocks," Giselle, a stuck-up student at Pokémon Tech, battles Ash and Pikachu with her well-trained Cubone. Pikachu battles valiantly, but Cubone is merciless. After using a strategy that the book-smart Giselle can't figure out, Pikachu tricks Cubone into getting hit on the head by its own Boomerang attack! First appearance: Episode 9—"The School of Hard Knocks" |
![]() | The final stage of evolution for Cubone, Marowak's bone is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to knock out targets. In "Bad to the Bone," Ash and friends leave Pallet Town to go to the Pokémon League. On their way, they meet a trainer named Otoshi who challenges Ash to a Pokémon match. The battle begins between Otoshi's Marowak and Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur loses, but Pikachu steps in and blasts Marowak into defeat. First appearance: Episode 77—"Bad to the Bone" |
![]() | Also known as "The Kicking Fiend." When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively and it runs smoothly with extra long strides. In "The Punchy Pokémon," Team Rocket steals a ferocious Hitmonlee from a trainer named Giant to enter the Pokémon Grand Prix Fighting Tournament. Although the stolen Hitmonlee was a first rate contender, Ash and his newly acquired Primeape made short work of the kicking Pokémon. First appearance: Episode 29—"The Punchy Pokémon" |
![]() | Hitmonchan can fire punches in lightning-fast volleys that are impossible to see with the human eye. In "The Punchy Pokémon," on the outskirts of Fuchsia City, Ash sees a Hitmonchan running down the road. He and Pikachu attempt to capture the boxing Pokémon, but fail miserably. The Pokémon's trainer, Anthony, arrives soon after and relates to our heroes his desire to enter the Pokémon Grand Prix. First appearance: Episode 29—"The Punchy Pokémon" |
![]() | Lickitung's tongue can be extended like a frog's, and it leaves a tingling sensation when it licks its enemies. In "The Ultimate Test," Ash signs up for the Pokémon League Admissions Exam to prove his skill as a Pokémon master, but the questions on the test are too difficult for Ash to answer correctly. One of the questions asks: "Lickitung's tongue is twice the length of its body, true or false?" Do you know the answer? First appearance: Episode 56—"The Ultimate Test" |
![]() | Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, Koffing is prone to exploding without warning. In Ash's first adventure, "Pokémon Emergency," Pikachu is rushed to the Viridian City Pokémon Center to be treated for severe exhaustion. When the evil Team Rocket show up, the pair send Ekans and the toxic Koffing to destroy the center. The barely recovered Pikachu and other Pokémon from the center join forces to defeat the Pokémon-snatching villains. First appearance: Episode 2—"Pokémon Emergency" |
![]() | The second stage of evolution for Koffing. Over many years, two Koffing can fuse into a Weezing. In "Dig Those Diglett," James' Koffing evolve into the even more foul-smelling Weezing. James once remarked that his toxic Pokémon, "smells like old sneakers soaked in stinkbug juice, mixed with some rotten eggs and a dead fish with just a touch of skunk fumes!" First appearance: Episode 31—"Dig Those Diglett" |
![]() | Rhyhorn's massive bones are 1,000 times harder than human bones. In "Showdown at Dark City," Ash and friends are trapped in the middle of a Pokémon gang war between the rival Yas and Kaz Pokémon Gyms. The unlicensed gym trainers use their Pokémon for personal battles. During a huge battle, the gym leaders let loose several Pokémon, including a monstrous Rhyhorn who runs rampant through the town, trying to defeat the other gym's Pokémon. First appearance: Episode 42—"Showdown at Dark City" |
![]() | Rhydon is the second and final evolutionary stage for Rhyhorn. Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in 3,600-degree molten lava. In "Riddle Me This," our friends find themselves face to face with Blaine, the riddling Pokémon gym trainer from Cinnabar Island. In a fiery conflict, Ash chooses Charizard to battle Blaine's super-tough Rhydon. When Charizard ignores Ash and flies out of the arena, Rhydon wins the match without even battling! First appearance: Episode 58—"Riddle Me This" |
![]() | A rare and elusive Pokémon rumored to bring happiness to those who capture it. In "Pokémon Emergency," Ash and Pikachu find themselves weak after an encounter with a flock of wild Spearow, with Pikachu's fate resting in Ash's hands! With the help of Officer Jenny, Ash rushes Pikachu to the Viridian City Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy and the attending Pokémon, Nurse Chansey, take Pikachu to the critical Pokémon care unit. First appearance: Episode 2—"Pokémon Emergency" |
![]() | The entire body of this Pokémon is covered with wide vines similar to seaweed that shake as it walks. No one has ever seen what a real Tangela looks like under its vines. In "Pokémon Scent-Sation," Ash sneaks into the Celadon City Gym after being refused entry. Ash and Bulbasaur battle Erica, the gym leader, and her vine-like Tangela. Eventually Tangela's stun spore attack knocks Bulbasaur out for the count. First appearance: Episode 26—"Pokémon Scent-Sation" |
![]() | The infant Kangaskhan rarely ventures out of its mother's protective pouch until it is three years old. In "The Kangaskhan Kid," Officer Jenny asks Ash and the gang to help capture a group of Pokémon poachers in the safari zone. Soon, our heroes encounter a pack of wild Kangaskhan, led by a small jungle boy named Tommy. Tommy joins forces with Ash and his friends to aid in defeating the Kangaskhan-stealing Team Rocket. First appearance: Episode 34—"The Kangaskhan Kid" |
![]() | Horsea is known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water. In "Tentacool and Tentacruel," Ash, Misty and Brock are stranded in the small port town of Porta Vista. When Misty spies an injured Horsea in the water, she promptly captures it in her Poké Ball. After Horsea heals, it helps them discover why the Tentacool are unhappy, and aids in the battle against the gigantic mutated Tentacruel. First appearance: Episode 19—"Tentacool and Tentacruel" |
![]() | The Pokédex has very little information regarding this elusive water Pokémon — the second and final stage of evolution for Horsea. Of all the water-based Pokémon, Horsea is one of the smallest and weakest. On the other hand, the evolved Seadra is a powerful Pokémon that can easily defeat the toughest of opponents. Seadra is capable of swimming backwards by rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and stout tail. First appearance: Ash has not yet encountered a Seadra. |
Looking To Sell Your Pokemon Collection?
Contact us today if you have rare Pokemon cards you are interested in selling for cash!
Character Topps Cards
Topps Series 2 Character cards are very common and typically not worth as much money as Pokemon cards. Mint, very good condition cards will always bring a premium in the marketplace. If you're looking to get a value estimation on your cards, contact us today with clear photos.
Character | Text on Card |
![]() | On his tenth birthday, Ash Ketchum became eligible to be a Pokémon trainer. His ultimate goal is to win the Pokémon regional championships and become a Pokémon master, but first he's got a lot to learn while trying to capture as many Pokémon as possible. Ash's first Pokémon, and his best friend in the whole world, is Pikachu. Will Ash and Pikachu be able to "catch 'em" all? Don't bet against these two! |
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Selling your Topps Pokemon Cards
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An old Topps Pokemon card has been given to you from a friend or passed down from a family member and you don’t really care to keep it. You’d much rather have money in your bank account.
The absolute worst thing you could do is bring your Topps Pokemon to a pawn shop. They will likely pay you an extremely small percentage of what the card is actually worth.
You want to avoid selling your card or Pokemon collection to a large company as well. These larger companies have numerous employees and high overhead costs. High overhead costs lead to requiring the company to pay less for Pokemon cards. This results in less money in your pocket.
Find a Pokemon Expert
Pokemon experts are different than your typical local Pawn or Card shop.
Most experts are collectors themselves and truly love the hobby as a whole. Almost all local shops are almost required to rip-off the people they’re buying from.
They do it in order to pay for renting a big building and having multiple employees. I’ve been collecting Pokemon cards almost my entire life. This is something I’m truly passionate about.
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When you ship your collection to us it’s important you insure it for the amount you feel comfortable with. If you’re unhappy with the final offer we give you once we receive your Pokemon cards, we will return the Pokemon collection to you with shipping paid by us.
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Payment is sent via PayPal or checks when you sell your Pokemon cards to us. Once we receive the package we verify the Pokemon and send your payment the same or next day.
We have satisfied thousands of collectors who shipped us their Pokemon Topps Series 2 cards.
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There currently isn’t anyone who can offer more money for your old Topps Series 2 Pokemon cards than us. Why?
We don’t have to pay hundreds of employees like others. This allows us to pay you more money than anyone else. We want to buy your old Pokemon collections and I assure you’ll be satisfied dealing with us. We’ve made the process extremely simple, contact us today we’d love to chat.
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A+++++ Very easy process selling my Pokemon cards. is an easy to navigate and very informational website when it comes to Pokemon cards! I found this site through a Google search with no prior references. I received more money for my Pokemon cards than anyone else offered me. I would recommend to any friends and family.
I was hesitant about selling my Pokemon cards online before coming to you guys. Not only did you offer more money for my cards than any local shop, but you also made the entire experience painless. The entire process was refreshing. Thank you!!!
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